Leadership Choice Research
Not at Leadership Choice
Early research shows that nearly 75% of managers and leaders who participate in our programs using the PEP Model™ are actually demonstrating the new behaviors on the job and continue to do so!

Thanks again for the excellent advice and service you provided me in helping me prepare for my new position. Your experience and insight, encouragement and positivity was invaluable to me during this challenging time. I especially appreciated the advice on negotiating salary and benefits! Once again, thank you for your time and efforts. I will definitely keep in touch from time to time to let you know how it is going.

– W.I.

Accelerated Coaching Process

An important feature of the Accelerated Management and Accelerated Leadership Program is providing third-party coaching. A third-party coach can help the participant apply classroom learning to real work situations.

Objective of the Developmental Coaching Process

The Manager or Leader

The accelerated coaching process is designed to achieve specific objectives that help the participant accelerate application of classroom learning. An effective coaching relationship will specifically help the manager or leader:
  • Think in terms of a developmental process vs. a training event
  • Frame their development opportunities
  • Visualize successful development outcomes
  • Discover answers to their own developmental questions
  • Commit to a development process
  • Strengthening relationship with their supervisor
  • Develop confidence in their ability to master new competencies

The Organization

  • Reduce the high cost of doing nothing after training
  • Identify and potentially resolve value-robbing barriers to post training knowledge transfer
  • Create a focused effort that will help overcome resistance to change
  • Engage the supervisor in the managers or leaders post training development process
  • Promote accountability for post training follow up and knowledge transfer- leading to higher productivity and effectiveness

PEP Model™

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