Thanks again for the excellent advice and service you provided me in helping me prepare for my new position. Your experience and insight, encouragement and positivity was invaluable to me during this challenging time. I especially appreciated the advice on negotiating salary and benefits! Once again, thank you for your time and efforts. I will definitely keep in touch from time to time to let you know how it is going.

– W.I.

Building Leadership Pipeline

Program Description:

The talent and leadership shortage is a real phenomenon that must be taken seriously. The pool of skilled, talented managers and leaders is insufficient to meet the demand in most organizations as these organizations compete under the full force of a global economy. Insufficient or ill prepared leaders create a competitive gap which may keep businesses from achieving the organizations strategy or surviving among better prepared competitors. This course teaches how to create and manage a basic leadership pipeline or succession plan.

Participants Discover:

  • The steps in a simple and effective pipeline planning process for quickly filling leadership pipeline needs within a 12-36 month period
  • How to develop multiple individuals to potentially fill open future leadership needs
  • Easy assessment and development tools

Business Impact:

  • Decreases competitive risks created by leadership gaps and lack of bench strength
  • Increases the depth and capability leadership in a short period of time
  • Increases engagement of high potential and high performing employees which reduces the potential for leadership gaps due to turnover

Russ Heptinstall

Discusses the Accelerated Leadership Program Russ Heptinstall WatchVideo
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