Thanks again for the excellent advice and service you provided me in helping me prepare for my new position. Your experience and insight, encouragement and positivity was invaluable to me during this challenging time. I especially appreciated the advice on negotiating salary and benefits! Once again, thank you for your time and efforts. I will definitely keep in touch from time to time to let you know how it is going.

– W.I.

Managing Organizational Change

Program Description:

Change management is a structured approach for transitioning individuals, teams, departments, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state as rapidly and seamlessly as possible. It is an extension of the strategic implementation. A strategic implementation depends on a change management plan to gain the buy-in of all who are impacted by the implementation. A well developed and executed change management strategy and plan will assure that the strategic direction is achieved and that there are mechanisms in place to allow the organization to adapt to issues, new information, and ineffective solutions.

Participants Discover:

  • How to use a change management framework to guide the process
  • How to create a change management plan in parallel with a strategic implementation
  • How to create a sense of urgency
  • How to overcome resistance to change
  • How to achieve early wins
  • How to make change stick

Business Impact:

  • Assures that the time, effort, and resources of strategic implementation are not wasted
  • Creates greater buy-in from stakeholders which reduces resistance to change and increases speed of strategic implementation
  • Creates greater trust among stakeholders which in turn helps to create a culture capable of more rapid change

Russ Heptinstall

Discusses the Accelerated Leadership Program Russ Heptinstall WatchVideo
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